Gopop HK Limited, a wholly owned subsidiaryof (collectively "we", the "Company","Cherrycathk" ) respects the privacy rights of visitors to theCompany’s website and of individuals who participate in, access or sign up toany of the Company's services, activities or online content (collectivelyreferred to as "Services"). We endeavor to ensure that all ourcollection, transmission, storage and usage of personal data shall be carriedout in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486 of thelaws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("PDPO").
The term "personal data" shallhave the meaning ascribed to it by PDPO.
You need not supply any personal data inorder to access the Company’s website. When you participate in, access or signup to any of the Services, personal data is collected from you to enable us toprovide you with the Services. You may decline to provide us with the requestedpersonal data, but in such case we may not be able to provide the Services toyou. By submitting your personal data you consent to the use of that data asset out in this Privacy Policy Statement.
Personal data collected from you may beused by the Company for:
• identifying you and anyaccounts you hold with us
• enabling the provision of theServices to you
• conducting identityverification and/or credit checks
• processing of paymentinstructions or collection of amounts outstanding from you in relation to theprovision of the Services
• order processing, billing andfulfilment
• direct marketing of theServices
• direct marketing of theproducts and services of the Company’s business partners
• designing services for you
• conducting research,statistical analysis and behavioral analysis
• conducting program viewershipsurvey and analysis
• customer profiling andanalysing your purchasing preferences
• customising the Company’swebsite and its content to your particular preferences
• provisioning of customerservices
• handling your complaints andaccount enquiries
• fraud prevention and detection
• auditing
• making such disclosures asrequired by applicable laws, rules and regulations
• any other purposes directlyrelated to the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected
Types of personal data collected by theCompany may include:
1. Your personal information and contact information such as your name,gender, date of birth, identity card number, telephone number, social mediacontact, email address, residential address, mailing address, and billingaddress;
2. Your business information such as company name and business title;
3. Your account details, including first and last 4 digits of creditcard account numbers, or user accounts;
4. Your household income range, and personal interest; and
5. IP address, real-time geographic location data, browser settings,browsing records, and/or other Internet log information of your computer ormobile device.
The Company does not trade your personalinformation and contact information for gain without your written consent. Allpersonal data collected and held by the Company will be kept confidential, butwhere disclosure is necessary for the Company to comply with any statutory obligationsor requirements, or for the Company to provide the Services to you or to carryout the original purpose, or a directly related purpose, for which the personaldata were collected, those data may be provided to the following parties(whether within or outside Hong Kong):
• Competent court of law, lawenforcement agencies, or other governmental or statutory authorities,institutions or organisations;
• Company’s associated companies,contractors, agents, sellers or suppliers of the goods/services, or otherservice operators, who are involved in the sale and marketing, administrationor provision of the Services;
• Any other person under a dutyof confidentiality to the Company including a member of its group of companies,IT consultants, data processors, auditors, accountants, or lawyers, which hasundertaken to keep such information confidential; and Banks, financialinstitutions, credit card issuing companies or debt collection agencies.
• Any questions, comments,suggestions or information other than personal data sent or posted to ourwebsite, or any part of the site by you will be considered as voluntarilyprovided to the Company on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis. Wereserve the right to use, reproduce, disclose, transmit, publish and/or postelsewhere such information freely, including passing it to any associatedcompany for example, in connection with the development and marketing ofservices and to meet user needs.
• All reasonable efforts are madeto ensure that any personal data held by the Company is stored in a secure andsafe place.
• All personal data which wecollect is kept confidential to the best of our ability. You will appreciatehowever, that we cannot guarantee the security of transmission.
If necessary, the Company may transfer thepersonal data to places outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region forcarrying out the purposes, or the directly related purposes, for which thepersonal data were collected. All the transfer of those personal data will becarried out in compliance with the requirements of the PDPO.
Unless there is a mandatory legalrequirement for us to keep your personal data for a specified period, we willonly retain your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfill thepurpose for which the personal data were originally collected. If user wouldlike to delete the personal information, you may email us.
The Company intends to use the personaldata collected from you in direct marketing and the Company requires yourconsent for that purpose. Your name, telephone number, email address, contactaddress, social media contact, products and service portfolio information,transaction pattern and behavior, browsing records, content viewing habits, andpersonal interest held by the Company may be used by the Company in directmarketing of the Services and the following classes of products or servicesoffered by the Company’s business partners or the registered merchants of Cherrycathk,including mother and baby, beauty and health, electronics, fashion, food andbeverage, household, lifestyle, sports, telecommunications, media andentertainment, which may be of interest to you.
We may contact you by mail, telephone,social media, SMS, text/picture/video message, fax, email. If you prefer not toreceive any direct marketing communications from us, you can opt out at anytime by updating your preferences through your registered account or aunsubscribe link provided. Upon receipt of your request, we shall cease to souse your personal data without charge to you.
A cookie is a small text file which isplaced onto your computer (or other electronic device) when you access theCompany’s website. We use cookies on our website to:
• recognise you whenever youvisit this website
• obtain information about yourpreferences, viewing and browsing behavior, online movements and use of theInternet
• keep track of the items storedin your shopping basket and take you through the checkout process
• carry out research andstatistical analysis to help improve our Services and to help us betterunderstand our visitor and customer requirements and interests
• target our marketing andadvertising campaigns and those of our business partners and advertisers moreeffectively by providing interest-based advertisements that are personalised toyour interests
• make your online experiencemore efficient and enjoyable
• enable tighter security
The information we obtain from our use ofcookies may not contain your personal data. Although we may obtain informationabout your computer or other electronic device such as IP address, browsersettings, browsing records, and/or other Internet log information, this may notbe able to identity you personally. To the extent that non-personal data iscombined with personal data, we treat the combined data as personal data forthe purposes of this Privacy Policy Statement. In certain circumstances we maycollect personal data about you, but only where you voluntarily provide it bycompleting an online form, or where you purchase goods from our website or usethe Services.
If you want to disallow the use of cookies,you can do so on your own web browser. If you disable cookies, you acknowledgethat you may not be able to use some of the functionality of our website.
This Privacy Policy Statement only appliesto the Company’s website. Our website may contain links to other sites andpages. By activating a link, such as for example by clicking on the banner ofan advertiser, you leave our website and the Company does not exercise controlover any personal data or any other information you give to any other entityafter you have left our website. Access to and use of such other websites is atyour own risk.
If you have any query in relation to theCompany’s privacy policy or you wish to delete, access or correct your personaldata held by us, you may contact us by writing to the following address:
-Cherrycathk website
-For the attention of: Personal Data Officer
The Company reserves the right to chargeyou a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request as permitted bythe PDPO.